The Idleness Aversion In Marketing

How To Convert Boredom And Stress Into Delightful Moments.

What Is Idleness Aversion?

Idleness Aversion is a psychological principle that says people are happier when they're busy.

Psychologists have discovered that people have an aversion to doing nothing.
They're happier when busy, though also love to complain about how busy they are.
When someone doesn't feel purposeful or busy working towards something, negative thoughts creep in.

In a customer's mind, idleness is a negative energy. They don’t want any part of it and will equate your brand and products negatively if you force them into it.

First Of All, Let’s Look At How Google Has Dealt With Human Psychology And Used Idleness Aversion As An Advantage.

Google Chrome:
When there's an unstable or poor network connectivity and you have to open your browser to wait until the connection is stable.
Google Chrome handled this stress by providing a T-Rex game, a simple game enough to get one engaged for the waiting time.

This Marketing Psychology tactic has a greater impact on the user’s mind, and the users will fall in love with Google.

Here's How You Can Use This Same Tactic In Your Marketing

When customers have to sit idly and wait for their issue to get resolved, offer them something while they wait. Create moments of delight in the moments of waiting.

Make the waiting less boring for your buyers rather than seeing it as a problem, look at it as an opportunity to offer welcome distractions that will build a personal connection between them and your Brand or product.

These distractions don’t have to be costly. Think of the minor things that customers would enjoy experiencing while waiting.

If you know your buyers will have to sit idly for a long period of time, keep them updated with your progress. Use this opportunity to create moments of delight and purposefulness that will leave them loving how your brand makes them feel.