What is Digital Marketing


If you're just getting started with digital marketing and want to understand what it means for your business or organization, this is the right place for you :)

A you  looking for a way to increase exposure to your products or services online? 

Digital Marketing is an excellent option.
Grow your business through the use of internet marketing tools. If your business is still in it's infancy phase and looking to grow, digital marketing can be your best method.

The more digital access that people have, the more digital marketing becomes important for any business.
This is the reason why businesses and entrepreneurs turn towards multiple sources of information about digital marketing to put their business on top of its game.

Digital marketing has taken over the world because of its ability to reach consumers in ways other methods cannot.


In simple terms, Digital Marketing can be easily defined as Online Marketing or internet marketing.

The internet has become a huge part of our daily lives, and even small things like social media posts and email subscriptions now have an impact on how people engage with content.

Digital marketing enables brands and organisations reach consumers using the internet by creating content that appears online, most often on websites, blogs, social media and emails.

This marketing strategy has taken over the world because of its ability to reach consumers in ways other marketing methods cannot.

In this article, we've shared access to the best digital marketing tools and tips that will help you maximize your marketing and keep you on track. Keep reading to learn more. 

The 4 Digital Marketing Tips You Should Consider Before Start-up. 

Understanding & knowing where your audience spend their time online.

Creating mobile friendly content Most people access internet via mobile.

•Building a strong presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Optimizing your website or blog content for Search Engines.


There are many types of digital marketing. Choosing which type of strategy is right for your business can be a difficult task. Let's take a look at the main categories to help you decide what's best for your organization.

1. Email Marketing.
Email marketing is a form of marketing where businesses send commercial messages to a group of people subscribed to their email list to make the them aware of new products, discounts and other services.

Why you should use Email Marketing.
Creating personalized digital content. 

Collecting feedback from your customers.

Reach out to the right people at the right 

Build stronger customer relationships.

Increase leads and build credibility.

Boost brand recognition.

2. Content Marketing.
Content Marketing is a form of marketing focused on creating, publishing and distributing content for a targeted audience online. 

It's a marketing strategy used to attract, engage and retain an audience.
Content Marketing examples include media like newsletters, social media posts and podcasts.

3. Affiliate Marketing.
Affiliate Marketing is the act of referring a product online by sharing it on social media, blog or websites in order to earn a commission.

With affiliate marketing, brands are able to grow their customer base and Brand awareness through working with a selected group of affiliates.

Brands like amazon have successfully increased brand awareness through their affiliate program the amazon associates.

4. Social Media Marketing.
This is the use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to promote a product or service. 

These platforms enable brands to connect and build a personal relationship with their audience allowing them to increase sales and drive traffic to their website.

5. Search Engine Optimization. 
This is the practice of optimizing a website to make it gain a high rank on search engine result pages. Search Engine Optimization

Potential customers or clients need to find your site online. Here's what you can do in order to boost your visibility and be easily found.

Be keyword clever

Build a strong internal link structure

•Improve your site speed

Acquire relevant backlinks

Why is Digital Marketing so Important?

Digital Marketing is an important aspect of running a business and it is often underestimated. However, the benefits of digital marketing are unbelievable.

Through the use of digital marketing, companies, brands and entrepreneurs have been able to reach their target audience, increasing their convertion rates and creating brand awareness.

It allows brands to make a more personal connection with their customers in order to provide customers better experiences.


Here's a must-have list of digital marketing tools that will maximize your results and keep you on track.

Canva : This is a graphic designing tool that will boost your digital marketing campaign by creating credibility and professional images to build your own indentity.

WordPress : A FREE open source publishing software that will enable you create and manage your website. A website is the center piece and the key to successfull digital marketing.

Google Analytics : Google analytics is a tool that will enables you to collect data from your website to create reports that provide insights into your business.
It gives you the tools to better understand your online customers.

Convert Kit : The best tool for building a landing page. Sell your digital products, grow your customer base and automate your online marketing with ease.

Google Ads : Google Ads is an online advertising platform where businesses bid to display brief advertisements, service offering, product listing. It helps you get infront of your customers when they're searching for businesses similar to yours. 

MailChimp : A great and easy to use online marketing automation tool for email marketing that will enable you grow your business on your own terms.