Start And Grow Your Blog

[Blogging] How To Grow Your Blog In The Smartest Simple Ways In 2023.
Blogging is a great way to share your ideas, thoughts and experience with the world. It can also be a great way to generate income.
And the're so many benefits of blogging that range from personal development and career development.

If you’ve managed to start a blog, then your next step is to work on your content and grow your blog in order to keep your readers satisfied and engaged.

With that being said, creating your own personal or business blog takes a few steps. First, you need to decide on a name for your blog or a domain name.

Then you will need to choose the best blogging platform as well. 

There are many choices when it comes to choosing the best platform for your blog but the most popular ones are WordPressWix, and Blogger (All are user friendly)

All these platforms have free plans you can begin with to start and grow your blog at $0.
That sounds awesome, right?

You can start up a personal blog to share your personal interests, experiences and express your own unique personality.
Or you can start a business or professional blog to promote your own products and services in order to generate passive income.
Grow Your online customer base and get your products and services noticed.

After creating your blog, the next major step or challenge is gaining traffic. Driving more traffic grows and expands your influence and authority as well. 

Here's How You Can Capture More Audience On Your Blog In The Following Smart Ways. 

● Indentity Your Niche:

Find a niche your interested in, something you love, have passion for it and naturally curious about it. 
If you don't do that, you eventually will run out of ideas quickly. Most importantly, you won't be able to consistentently create content that will build an audience.

Identifying your niche is one of the most important steps to a successful blogging career, which means it's one of the most important steps towards earning a creative and fulfilling career as a blogger.

Create content that's truly unique to your audience and nurture an engaged fanbase.

Here are some tips to guide you when choosing a niche.

         • Indentify problems you can solve

         • Gather Feedback

         • Explorer and experiment

         • Find your unique selling point 

         • Look at Competitors

Once you indentify a niche, you can develop a brand image and a marketing plan around it.

Knowing where you want to direct your business will help you create a marketing strategy that will grow your business and exponentially improve your reputation in the industry.

You'll be able to use content marketing, social media, and email marketing to build trust and engagement with clients interested in what you have to offer, while also staying focused on your vision and goals for the future of the business.

● Create A Schedule For Your Blog 

Without an editorial calendar, you’re never quite able to look beyond today and tomorrow. And how are you ever going to be able to grow a blog if you never get the chance to move beyond the short-term?

A well-structured editorial calendar solves all of those problems by keeping your content organized, focused on your audience, and constantly flowing.

Creating a schedule for your blog is one of the best things you can do, even if it seems difficult at first. Relying on certain days for different content will help you plan for the future and make sure that your posts stay interesting and relevant, rather than repetitive and boring.

It's a great way to ensure that you are productive and get the most out of your blog. You will also feel motivated seeing it all nicely laid out in front of you, so create a schedule now!

The next time you want to write a blog post, but you're stuck on whether or not you should because of the time that it will take and the distractions available to you at the moment, just sit down at your desk and write a simple schedule.

⁠● Identify Your Target Audience 

In order to find your target audience and bring them to your blog you will need to be able to produce content that they find valuable and relevant. To keep those readers, you need to be able to create, develop, and publish that valuable content on a regular basis. 

You have to implement everything you learn on this blog, but at least this is knowledge that can be used in any and all marketing strategies, so it's a good foundation to have. Keep up the good work.

⁠● Seek Feed And Create Content 

Of course you will need feed or content to share with your audience. Seek and consume relevant and valuable feed to post or share on your blog. Always be updated and update your audience as well to keep up the engagement. 

Blog feed can be great for your blog in so many ways that it can't be ignored. Your blog will have decent page rank as Google values blogs with a feed. And you will get more traffic from search engines and sites that are linking to you.

Feeds are beneficial because they allow you to categorize and archive blog posts as they are published, without having to remember them all. Then you can use feed readers to keep track of your new content at certain intervals. If a few months pass and you have missed an article or two, a feed reader will notify you that there is new content to your blog.

⁠● Build Engagement On Your Blog 

When it comes to building engagement on your blog, the choice is really up to you.

Whether you decide to post in-depth articles or interesting tidbits of information that widen the net for people who might not otherwise visit your site, focus on the aspects of content that help you meet your goals for blogging.

The content on your blog needs to be engaging. It needs to be clearly readable and digested or consumed.
That will keep your readers engaged.

Don't scare off your readers with long or lengthy paragraphs, keep them short. 
Use Subheadings, lists, readable fonts and highlight important points. Make your content easy to share on social media and try to mention popular brands in your posts.

Asking your readers questions is among the best ways of building engagement, it will get them conversing with you and as a result,  you will get valuable information in return.

This will also allow you to know them much better and the kind of content they love. 
You will also be able understand their pains and frustrations, the kinds of solutions they are looking for and the best way you can address their challenges.

The most important thing to remember is that there is no single solution that works best each time. The "secret" to building engagement on your blog mostly just comes down to one simple thing: (have a genuine interest in your content by truly loving what you write about).

When you're writing with passion and purpose, readers can tell and are much more likely to engage. 
So do your best to always find new ways to build engagement.

● Optimize Your Blog Posts For Search Engines

Getting your blog posts to rank on the first page of the SERPs is essential to ensuring your content keeps pulling in visitors after you hit publish.

Writing content on topics people are actually searching for will help drive organic visits to your blog, while longer content is correlated with better rankings and more traffic. You need to Learn SEO 

     Check Out Our: Simple complete SEO guide for beginners

⁠● Link Your Content Together 

Internal links are of course simply links from one page of your site to another page on your site. They define your site architecture, help spread link equity around your site, and allow crawlers to navigate it.

Pages that aren’t linked to are known as “orphaned pages.” That’s because they can’t be found by search engine crawlers and as such, are unlikely to appear in the search results or deliver you any benefits.

Internal links can also be used to highlight other content readers might be interested in, so that once they’re on your blog, they’re more likely to stay. 

● Share Your Blog On Social Media 

Growing your blog has never been easier. Before you began publishing articles, you had to spend hours trying to get your content discovered.
Now, you can do it in just minutes with the right resources.

If you've already used social media in the past, then you understand how powerful it can be to market your blog and get new readers.

When sharing content from your site on social media, be sure to give your readers a way to have their own experience with the information you're providing. 

This can be accomplished in several ways, such as including a video, providing links to related articles or blog posts, or even including charts or graphs for better understanding.