What is Blogging

If you've been wondering what blogging is, then this guide is for you!

Would You Love To Start A Blog? 

This guide is intended for beginners, so make sure you read it through before moving forward with any plan of action and learn most of the things you need to know.

Blogging has become an essential part of the Internet marketing process.

With the right tools, you can use your blog as a platform for promoting products or services and publishing content that is valuable and relevant to your audience and build strong relationships with people who trust you as an expert in your field.


Blogging can first be defined as publishing articles on the Internet.

When you blog, you most often publish an article (or content) and then add comments on it. This is called blogging. It's one of the most unique ways to get yourself or your business noticed and make a good impression among other companies in the same industry.

It's a new trend in the world of internet marketing. A blog can also be defined as an online journal that you can share with other people, friends or strangers. 

It's an art that everyone from individuals to businesses can take advantage of.

Blogs are a great way to express what is going on in the world, share the latest news and trends, connect with other bloggers, and show off your best work.


1. Who is a blogger?
A blogger is an individual who runs and controls a blog.

Bloggers post on various topics like sports, nature, fashion, politics and finance articles. 
Bloggers are mobile and don’t need to be in one place. They live on the internet!

2. Why do people blog?
There are so many benefits of blogging that range from personal development and career development. Most people today are creating blogs for a variety of reasons and every individual has he's or her own story to tell.

Through the internet, bloggers can communicate and engage with a massive number of people simply by blogging.

The main purpose of a blog is to connect with the relevant audience. Another one is to boost your traffic and send quality leads to your website.

3. Why is blogging so popular? 
The popularity of blogging grows each passing day and night. To answer the question, we need to look at the factors behind its rise.

In the early stages, businesses and news companies saw a positive way to improve their audience and customer base through blogs.

Blogs became the mainstream when news services and global businesses began using them as tools for outreach and keeping clients and customers up to date. They became the main source of information.

The more people that visit your blog, the more exposure and trust your business or brand gets. 

4. Do bloggers get paid? 
Bloggers do earn money, but it's not a get-rich-quick kind of profession.

Before you can start monetizing your blog, you need to build both your Google SERPs ranking and gaining traffic. Those tasks take a lot of time and quality content.

Once your blog receives enough attention and traffic, you can investigate ways of monetizing your blog.

Here's how you can earn passive income as a top ranked blogger. 

Monetizing your blog with Google AdSense.

Using your blog as a content marketing tool to sell your own digital products.

5. What differentiates blogs from websites?
Key elements that identify blogs from static websites include a publishing date, author reference, categories, and tags.

Blogging can be as simple or as complex as you make it. Whether you're creating a blog with the intention of getting traffic through SEO, or if you want to write about your passion and have it be a hobby on the side, blogging is a great way to stay connected to the world.


There are various different kinds of blogs out there, and each type has its own purpose.

1. Blogs about products and services. These blogs focus on the product or service and may provide tips, advice, or information about it.

2. Blogs that promote a brand or company. These blogs often include links to the company's website and other resources related to its products or services.

3. Blogs that discuss issues relevant to their readership. These types of blogs can be written in a business or political context but also cover issues that are not related to business or politics at all.

    • Blogs about traveling

    • Blogs about culture

    • Blogs about health

    • Blogs about sports

    • Blogs about nature

    • Blogs about music

    • Blogs about fashion

Success blogging requires bloggers to choose a niche they are more interested in. It's very important to choose a niche and this will help you grow your blog.

⁠● Personal Blogs or Blogging for fun.

Personal blogging is often referred to as "blogging for fun" because it's not necessarily intended to generate revenue or increase traffic on a website.
It's usually about sharing personal thoughts, feelings and experiences with others through writing about topics that interest you.

Personal blogs typically contain an author's personal thoughts and opinions on topics of interest to them. Personal blogs can be used to express your own unique personality and style as well as share your experiences with other people.

For example, if you're into photography, then a personal blog may be the perfect place for you to express your passion for photography and talk about techniques that others could learn from.

● Business Blogs or professional Blogs.

Blogging is a great way to grow your online customer base and your business. It can be used for many purposes, including promoting your products and services, sharing your knowledge, offering advice and giving value to your readers.

The Internet has made it easier to get noticed than never before, and blogging can help you attract more customers by connecting with them on a personal level.

Business blogs are designed for businesses and organizations who want to promote their products or services online by letting their customers know about new developments or information about their company.

Businesses use business blogs so that they can reach out directly to customers who have shown interest in their products or services through word-of-mouth recommendations or through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter.


Hope you’ve learned some helpful information about the world of blogging.

If you’ve managed to start a blog, then your next step is to work on your content, grow your blog and rank your blog on search engines in order to keep your readers satisfied and engaged.

Creating your own personal or business blog takes a few steps. First, you need to decide on a name for your blog or a domain name.

Then you will need to choose the best blogging platform as well. 

There are many choices when it comes to choosing the best platform for your blog but the most popular ones are WordPress  , Wix and Blogger.

All these platforms have FREE plans you can begin with to start and grow your blog at $0.
That sounds awesome, right?

Then what a you waiting for?

You can start up a personal blog and share about your personal interests, experiences and express your own unique personality.
Or you can start a business or professional blog, promote your own products and services and generate passive income.

Grow Your online customer base and get your products and services noticed than never before.