What is Black-Hat SEO [Search Engine Optimization]

[Black-Hat SEO] Unethical SEO Practices That Will Get Your Website Banned.

What Do You Need To Know?

Here's What We've Covered in This Article. 

 • What is Search Engine Optimization?

 • What is Black-Hat SEO?

 • Techniques Of Black-Hat SEO

 • How Black-Hat SEO Affects Your Website

 • Is Black-Hat SEO Good for You?

                   [ BLACK-HAT SEO ]

SEO is simply described as the process of optimizing your website or blog with the aim of appearing on Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) in order to gain more organic traffic.

Over the past few years, Search Engine Optimization has increasingly become more powerful and crucial in online marketing. More especially to individuals who own websites and blogs on the internet as well as brands and businesses.

It's now the major key to getting your website visible and ranked on top of Google's result pages(SERP) and other Search Engines as well. Without paying for traffic.

But it matters how you use SEO to make your website or blog visible and ranked, because Search Engines have webmaster guidelines or terms and policies webdevelopers must follow when optimizing their websites.
Search Engines make it very clear which types of practices go against or comply with their terms and policies.

The're mainly 2 practices of SEO namely;

     • Black-Hat SEO (considerd bad)

     • White-Hat SEO (considerd good)

Therefore, It's more important to understand which practices are considered bad or good and crucial to realize that implementing any of them might or might not get your website or blog negativity affected. 
Keep Reading to learn more.

In This Article, We've Put Together All Our Focus On [Black-Hat SEO]. We’ll Dig Deep To Show You How It Can Affect Your Website.

● What Is Black-Hat SEO?

Black-Hat SEO is a term used to describe all sorts of unethical practices used to improve or boost a website’s search engine rankings.

These practices or techniques directly violate guidelines and policies set by Search Engines and they can get your site to the top of the Search Engines Results Pages(SERP) in less than short time, however, in most cases, Search Engines will most probably penalize and ban the website sooner or later.

And once you've been banned, there's no guarantee that they might ever re-list or rank your site again. A lifetime ban from a Search Engine like Google will have tremendous consequences. 

     Related Article: Key Elements Of SEO
Get to know and learn about the essential key SEO elements for better ranking.

● Risks Of Using Black-Hat SEO

While SEO is all about increasing a website's organic visibility and traffic, Black-Hat tactics normally result into the opposite, whether you use them knowingly or unknowingly. And as a result, your site can get penalized or banned by Search Engines. Chances of getting your website discovered on the internet will dramatically decrease as well. 

On the other hand, implementing Black-Hat SEO tactics usually results into a poor User Experience (UX) on your website.
Remember you need to consider a user's experience on your site and work to serve your visitors with the best content. 

Here's the huge problem, Black-Hat SEO tactics will do the opposite because they focus on optimizing content for Search Engines rather than for people who visit or click through your site.

With This In Mind, Let’s Look At t The Most Common Black-Hat SEO Tactics That Are Considerd to Be Unethical by Search Engines

1. Keyword Stuffing:
Attempting to fill up a page with the same keyword or phrase to manipulate your site's rankings. Using the same terms repeatedly on a page can make your site look spammy and it's considered black hat SEO.

2. Hiding Texts And Links:
This practice involves making certain texts and links the same color as the background of the webpage so that users don't see it, but Search Engine crawlers will see it and understand that you're trying to cram in keywords. 

3. Article Spinning:
This practice is similar with plagiarism. It involves practices like copying content published on other websites or blogs.

4. Publishing Door Way Pages:  
Doorways (also called gateway pages) are similar webspages created to direct users to the same content. 
Publishing several similar pages is considered black hat SEO and you should avoid it at all costs. Every page on your site should have a specific purpose.


• Publishing Pages With Malicious Malware

• Cloaking

• Content Automation

• Link Manipulating

• Pushing Pages With Duplicate Content

• Misusing Schema Markup

⁠● Is Black-Hat SEO Good for You?

It might take some time for Search Engines to determine that your site participates in unethical or Black-Hat SEO tactics.

So, in that case, it depends. Whether your trying to build a long-lasting website or not. 

If your goal is to build a long lasting website, you should avoid Black Hat SEO tactics at all costs and consider looking for alternative means of improving your Search Engine rankings or else your website will be negativity affected. 


And Related Articles You May Like:

 ● White-Hat SEO 

 ● On-Page SEO